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  3. there's a quite a few clans open still, some Fatality members joined EoP, others just didn't join another clan at all.
  4. There is, unfortunately we have officially closed and are now a community rather than a fully operating pure clan. If you're wanting to look for a pure clan I'd advise looking up and joining the Sharkbrew discord.
  5. Hey guys, iv been debating buying another pc for RS, is there a community still? Pure clanning… thanks 🤞
  6. T37 4ever

  7. loved all of these years with u guys miss u already hugs n kisses the tubs

  8. Just found out about this but, it was nice getting those actions fight when I were still active. Sad to see one of the legacy pure clan go down like this but oh well. Hope you all find your home soon.
  9. Did not ever think this day would come...I appreciate the rank team for sticking through the highs and lows. I met a lot of cool people through this clan and always looked forward to trips on the weekends. Love you guys.
  10. Incredible community and couldn't be more proud to have called myself Fatality. Thank you for an amazing time everyone! - Brian (Hyperions/Mime Loudly)
  11. Thank you for everything Charles, you're a legend in this game, creating the most amazing pure clan Runescape has ever seen. Forever FI! - Brian (Hyperions/Mime Loudly)
  12. Everyone is welcome to join my pokemon clan Fuck Jts
  13. thank you for everything charles and fi :) - i will always bleed green -
  14. It's sad to see the old guard finally resting. When all I've ever know is the pure endurance, determination, dedication, and sheer will to go on that Fi has shown time and time again since it's founding. Thank you everyone for showing me this, thank you Fi for even taking a misfit like me, and thank you @Charles for a community I don't think this game will likely ever see or know again. Take a seat everyone and enjoy your life here or elsewhere, friends and family made here, and with all the memories that were made along the way. You've earned it and have always deserved it.
  15. Thank you Charles 💚
  16. Flash3: this is why I'm Fi

  17. Be proud of the family you started. Thank you
  18. Thank you to all the ranks and members over all these amazing years for the journey you have given us all. All the best on wherever this leads you. Please take care. Ps. Happy Birthday Ninos
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